Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm pooped. This city has worn me right out. It's only Tuesday but it feels like I've been non stop going to class, reading, walking, socializing, exploring... I guess I didn't have the most restful weekend and I probably could have used it. This grad school thing is no joke. The reading isn't exactly a Spanish novella. Alas. It's fun being busy, but in some ways this feels like high school. Running from activity to class to discussion group to social stuff, eating in the cafeteria, running into friends outside of classes and around campus. Or just running--

I decided to skip a guest lecture and wine society and a happy hour and band playing because I'd had class 9-5 and I was donezo. So glad I did. I'm going to take some time to recover and get my life in order. Read some blogs, binge eat, watch Glee, basically all my favorite things. Cuddle with my Kindle. Once my life is in control maybe I'll take some pictures and write lovely things for real.

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