Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome, and I miss DC- like WHOA

A quick intro. I’ve never understood how people do these introduction things, and I’ll say right now that this blog could be seriously short-lived. But basically I’m moving to London for a year at the end of next month, and I wanted to document my time there for my friends and family back home (and anyone else who cared). Plus, I thought an entirely self-serving spot on the internet was very much in order. I lived in DC for the past year plus, and I’m in Atlanta until the end of September. Then I go to grad school in London. I’m 24, and a female which I think is fairly obvious but maybe not? That’s all I’m willing to reveal for now, besides my third nipple and failed sex change. So here goes—

I have a frustrating habit of missing everywhere I’ve ever lived, especially right after I’ve moved, but the slight tinge of homesickness for each place never goes away. Considering I’ve traveled a lot in the past 6 years the places that I feel nostalgic for at any one time can include Atlanta, Charlottesville, Valencia (Spain), Florence, New York, or DC. Having just left DC and moved to Atlanta, I am very much feeling how much I’m going to miss DC next year. Which is A LOT. I’m definitely noticing the perks of living at home in Atlanta during my brief stay pre- London, like free food and laundry, as well as an easy commute to work and most other places in a lovely air-conditioned car. But there are some things about DC that can’t be quickly replaced, like my friends and my lively neighborhood of Adams-Morgan and the fun restaurants, concerts, and bars that I could walk or quickly bus/cab/metro to in the District. Here are a few examples:

Casual history. Kinda dorky, but you’re just not going to see the Old Post Office or the Washington Monument while walking down the street in Atlanta. This is partially because you wouldn’t be walking down the street, and also because we’re not the nation’s capital. I blame Gen. Sherman for burning the city down too. Damn Yankees.

Politicos. While this is something I never thought I’d say, it was nice that everyone I ran into was generally pretty well-read and cared about world events, and I got a big kick out of seeing Joe Biden leaving Brooks Brothers. I’ll leave the arrogant Hill staffer/frat boy-types where they belong though (Georgetown bars and/or the 3rd circle of hell). (That crowd is surrounding Ol’ Joe)

Adams-Morgan. Guys, I LOVED my neighborhood. I loved living with my quirky but awesome college friend, and being able to walk to my fabulous gym and the occasional kickball games. I could walk five minutes to go out where the crowds were fierce and the drunk food options were unlimited. Plus the residents were super-diverse and it’s slightly shady past gave me a tiny bit of street cred.

*All photos taken on my iPhone using the kickass Hipstamatic app.

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